"It's a pizza chart. Different rules"

By Anh Nguyen

Case Introduction

Oftentimes when it comes to data visualization on social media like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, information can be distorted. YouGov UK once posted this chart of Britain’s most-liked pizza toppings. Everything looks normal, and quite delicious at first glance right? But let's see if you can spot what is wrong here:

YouGov most-like pizza toppings graphic
Source: Does pizza belong on a pizza?

SO...What's wrong here?

Possible way to fix the problem

The chart below is just a simple suggestion on fixing the ineffective pizza chart. For further design, I reccommend the page to replace the solid-colored column by the pizza topping graphics. For example, we can put some graphics of corn into the sweetcorn column instead of the blue color, bacon graphics for bacon column, spinach illustrations for spinach column, etc. However, due to limitation in coding knowledge and lack of design ability, the chart below is so far what I can suggest to make change to the original chart and make data visualization clearer.